Posted by : Unknown Monday, October 28, 2013

Romanticism - A movement in Western art of the 19th century generally assumed to be in opposition to Neoclassicism. Romantic works are marked by intense colors, turbulent emotions, complex composition, soft outlines, and sometimes heroic subject matter.
Salon - Fashionable gathering of artists, writers, and intellectuals held in a private home.
Scale - Size in relation to some “normal” or constant size. Compare with proportion.
Sculpture - A three-dimensional form modeled, carved, or assembled.
Secondary Colors - A hue created by combining two primary colors, as yellow and blue mixed together yield green. In pigment the secondary colors are orange, green, and violet.
Sfumato - From the Italian work for “smoke,” a technique of painting in thin glazes to achieve a hazy, cloudy atmosphere, often to represent objects or landscape meant to be perceived as distant from the picture plane.
Simultaneous Contrast - The tendency of complementary colors to seem brighter and more intense when placed side by side.
Still Life - A painting or other two-dimensional work in which the subject matter is an arrangement of objects - fruit, flowers, tableware, pottery, and so forth - brought together for their pleasing contrasts of shape, color, and texture.

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